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about FirstStep's assumptions and projections. Past performance is not an indication of future performance.

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Set and forget

Our smart technology analyses your purchases and helps you automatically invest small amounts you can afford.

Grow your savings your way

FirstStep's expertly managed portfolios offer great growth potential for longer-term goals.
Choose from a range of investment options to personalise your portfolio.

Portfolio trend graph

Lower risk, Lower return


Medium risk, Medium return


High risk, Higher return


Your Core investment option invests in three ETFs (Australian Shares IndexInternational Shares IndexAustralian Fixed Income) managed by Vanguard.

add Themes
to your Core
Technology theme image

Invest your money towards the brands you rely on everyday. Add the most innovative companies to your portfolio including Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Google.

Ethical theme image

Invest where you know you are doing good (and as importantly, not doing harm). Add “Climate Leaders” from a broad range of global locations to your portfolio.

Health theme image

Invest your money towards companies keeping us well. Add biotechnology, healthcare, medical equipment and pharmaceutical companies to your portfolio.

Asia theme image

Invest towards large, established Asian companies listed in China, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Our smart technology ensures your portfolio is in balance.

What you're investing in

Your FirstStep portfolio is a diversified mix of exchange traded funds, ETFs for short. ETFs are made up of hundreds of stocks or bonds. We belive the right foundation for a risk-adjusted portfolio is to invest in ETFs, constructed by well-known investment management companies, that often replicate an index like the S&P/ASX 300 Index or the MSCI World Index.

Vanguard logo
Blackrock logo
Betashares logo

Shares (or equities)

Investing in Shares is like owning parts of a company. Your FirstStep portfolio includes ETFs that holds hundreds of individual shares. If a company performs, their share price may go up, leading to better potential returns for you.

Bonds (or fixed income)

Bonds are a debt investment where an investor loans money to a business or government and gets paid back with interest. Bonds are generally less risky than shares and help diversify your portfolio.